Lyndsay is a credentialed educator with extensive experience teaching 2nd grade and above. A typical tutor may help with homework, but Lyndsay goes beyond what’s on the page in order to address the unique needs of each individual learner. Because of Lyndsay’s extensive classroom experience, she is able to identify gaps in learner’s content knowledge as well as identify where students are struggling with processes or critical thinking. Not only will your child receive extra support with their academics, but they also have vital academic areas addressed that may otherwise go unidentified. Lyndsay gets to know the unique way your child learns and thinks.

The best part? Learners are usually so engaged that they don’t even realize it’s ‘tutoring’ in the typical sense. They just know they are getting stronger and more confident in their academics while they have fun learning.

Lyndsay’s Educational Philosophy

Lyndsay understands the unique challenges that learners face in the classroom: lessons that go too fast or too slow, learning that is interrupted by fire alarms or other distractions, trouble focusing because of friend conflict… Lyndsay helps learners process their experience as students. Lyndsay helps students tackle feelings of perfectionism or inadequacy that can arise during the vulnerable act of learning. Lyndsay can also help provide support around the social component of school that can often take center stage as students become older. Lyndsay teaches explicit Social Emotional Strategies so students can feel confident, not just academically, but as humans.

Lyndsay helps students learn executive functioning skills that are necessary as they become more independent in their learning. From note taking to project planning, Lyndsay breaks down the process in an individualized way that most students don’t have access to in crowded classrooms. Lyndsay targets the goals based on the specific needs of the students so that they are always getting what works best for their brain and their style of thinking. Lyndsay focuses on process and not just the product so that students are able to replicate their success. Especially in the writing process, students learn the process that best works their planning, research, writing, and editing. Every student is different and Lyndsay helps kids to reflect on what worked (and didn’t work!) for them so that they can replicate their successes and avoid pitfalls.

Lyndsay brings a sense of joy and levity to each session. Lyndsay has a background in theatre and improv and brings a sense of improvisation to each session. Whether it’s using an improv game to brainstorm, writing one-sentence stories, or closing out with a new game, Lyndsay brings fun and novelty to each session. This playful approach to learning increases students’ motivation and increases their engagement during the session.

Lyndsay also works as a parent coach to help caregivers reflect on the patterns in their families, set goals, and build strategies to break out of parenting ruts. Learn more about parent coaching here.

Schedule your complementary phone consultation today!